Spruce Up with a Salon Reception Desk
In order to stay ahead and retain and gain clients, salons must regularly change up their aesthetic, staying fashionable and on-trend. With many beauty providers unable to accept customers or even open their doors because of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s a good time to reinvest spare time into the business and spruce up the place, ready to welcome back clients after an extended break. A new salon reception desk can help lift the room, boost the experience and ultimately sell more services.
Carry Out Repairs
By its very nature, the beauty industry is all about appearance and so a shabby salon may not be appealing. Whether it’s loose wallpaper, discoloured paint or hair dye splattered backwashes, signs of wear and tear start to build up quickly in a salon. Use this extra time to fix any small areas of concern, rejuvenate the décor with a fresh lick of paint and give the place a deep clean in preparation for the return to work.
Overhaul Furniture
If a quick fix just won't do and a salon in need of a total makeover to bring it up to date, then investing in some new furniture can be an inexpensive and labour-saving way to boost the aesthetic of the business. As the first port of call for any new or existing client, the salon reception desk should be striking, bold and tie in with the rest of the theme. There is even the option to go bespoke and have the business name emboldened on the desk, making a good first impression and acting as a great piece of advertising as well as an eye-catching piece of furniture.
Clean Up the Outside
The outside of a salon is just as important as the inside when it comes to attracting new customers and in such a saturated market it is important to stand out amongst competitors. Use the lockdown period to spruce up the outside, ensuring it is clean, free from dirt and has a clear view of the salon from the road.
For more information about our salon reception desks, call our team on 01799 531 202.